Monday, November 17, 2008

Hope and Change

A good friend of mine started a blog today which reminded me that I haven't spent much time here in quite a few weeks. I've been very busy, but I couldn't tell you with what. I recall hearing about all of the new technologies that we would see in the new millennium and how the average American would be swimming in free time. I seem to have misplaced mine. I think I left it on the roof of my car and drove away from Duncan Doughnuts. If you find my free time, please e-mail it back to me as an attachment.

I spent quite a bit of time the past few weeks keeping up on the election campaigns. (Until I couldn't take it any more.) I even had the opportunity to take place in one of the telephone polls. When it was all said and done, I was glad that I learned more about the issues, the people who are leading our country and I was especially glad to learn that our nation is collectively looking in the right direction.

I don't mean that in a political sense. I will spare you my thoughts on where I feel our government has gone and how I think it got there. That's a blog for another day. What I am talking about are the two words that are etched in our minds through all of the advertising, news stories and banners. I feel that they won the election for Barack Obama.

Hope and Change.

I find it interesting that our nation has turned in it's time of need to a man that has promised hope and change. It has proved to me that the people are hungry for something that they do not have today; thirsty for something that can quench a need deep inside them. More and more each day people are not happy with their lives. They are living with regrets and looking for a way to find "Hope and Change".

I don't know if Obama will be able to effect the change on this nation that he has promised. To be honest, I'm not really sure what that change is. But even if he is able to get everything done in the next four years, people will still be hurting and looking for something that they can hope for. They will still be looking for a change in their lives that can bring them beyond themselves.

The true hope of the nations is Jesus. I believe that the people of this land have identified accurately what they need, I just think that they have missed the mark on where to find it. As Christians, we need to be ready to share the true message of Hope and Change as the reality of the world is realized by all who have placed their trust in our government to heal our hurts.

Lord, I boldly pray for a revival in this land. I pray that you will use the realization in peoples lives that they do need hope and change to turn them to your Son. I humbly pray that you will use us to be Jesus to those who are hurting and searching for that which will fill their cup.


ellehasuly said...

Amen. I don't think one person can propel the nation into major changes unless the hand of God allows it. Hope and change are positive entities; but hope placed in an unreliable vessel sinks down into despair. Our hope lies in trusting Jesus; yet I hope we remember to pray for Obama because of his position.

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


Just Passing Through said...

So true Lynne. If there ever was a time to pray for our president, it is now.
