Thursday, July 3, 2008


I sometimes think that when God authored my life, he included footnotes along the way referring me back to various pieces of information from my past or new references to things that will give me more information. His word is an ever growing list of powerful foot notes that are added to my understanding of my journey.

At the point in time when I gave my life to the Lord, each of these foot notes were listed to give guidance on future events. These footnotes give the reader of my book clarification of the end goal (Christ likeness) and how I will get there. As my salvation is "worked out" with God, I believe these footnotes are peppered on the pages of my daily walk.

The day that it became clear to me that my actions are in response to the Lords grace, not a means to earn it, there is a footnote referencing Romans 11:6:
But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace. -Romans 11:6
Likewise, throughout my life I am sure there are constant references to Paul's words in Philippians each time the reader finds another example of a change in my heart leading me to be a more Christlike example.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. -Philippians 1:6
And each time I forget about the power of God's grace and try to add my efforts to it, the all popular question from Paul appears again (and again......and again......)
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? -Galatians 3:3
As music is such an important piece of my life, I think there are also many footnotes that refer to hymns and songs. I can't think of a song writer that would be credited more times in my book than John Newton with his weekly mention for various thoughts in his "Amazing Grace" composition. As I think this morning of how God continues to perfect us I'm sure there is a note that says, "See John Newton, Amazing Grace. Second half of third verse:
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
How about you? If you could read from God's book of life, where would the footnotes from your chapter lead you? If you are a believer, I'm sure these footnotes will be full of grace. Not only for your salvation, but grace for today.

Father, I thank you for your everlasting grace. I thank you for pointing out through your word, and my life where you are working and for the confidence that it is indeed your work. Your promise that you will not give up on me until you are finished. I so look forward to standing before you as your creation. Molded and shaped to be the final work that pleases you.

1 comment:

ellehasuly said...

This is one of those topics that fill my senses and draw me to my knees. Here's to those footnotes...

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...
